3 Premises for rent in Chiclana de la Frontera, Cádiz

List of advertisements of premises in the city of Chiclana de la Frontera to rent, here you will find: commercial premises, offices, warehouses, garages and businesses for sale of all types, compare prices and properties according to the characteristics of your interest.



Property class

Energy certificate



In building

Premises amenities

List of the districts and neighborhoods of this city

Select the area of your interest and review the apartments, houses, land or new construction available

60 €

Alquiler de Garaje en Olvera, 1

Parking space size: Space for small car

Medidas, 4,45x2,45mtrs.

290 €

Alquiler de Local en calle Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, 28

Bathrooms: 1 Builded surface: 32 m²

Local en el centro de Chiclana a pie de calle muy cercano a los juzgados y próximo al ayuntamiento, pudiendo darle uso tanto para local comercial, ya que tiene escaparate y está a pie de cal...

666 €

Alquiler de Local en carretera de la Barrosa, 109

Bathrooms: 1 Builded surface: 50 m²

Traspaso Heladería concepto Único en pleno funcionamiento en la idílica playa de la BarrosaUbicación y alquiler inmejorableFamosa por sus Dorayaki y helados Kawaii Ideal para Parejas o autoe...

List of all areas to buy real estate in Spain

At your disposal are the most popular areas and the number of houses, apartments, premises available to purchase or rent.

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