Zamora Montamarta Sale Premises

1 Premises for sale in Montamarta, Zamora

List of advertisements of premises in the city of Montamarta to buy, here you will find: commercial premises, offices, warehouses, garages and businesses for sale of all types, compare prices and properties according to the characteristics of your interest.

Price range


Surface m2




Property class

Energy certificate



In building

Premises amenities

225 000 €

Nave en venta en J6q4+x5 s/n

Builded surface: 24 m²

Explotación ganadera de porcino con 1 200 plazas en funcionamiento. Se incluye el contenido de la explotación: tractor, aperos, depósitos de medicar automáticos, pozo con motor, máquina de l...

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